How are we doing this fine evening?
So I have a little challenge for you...
If you choose to accept I would love to see how many comments we can get on this post.
Look in the comments for the starting topic...
Note: This is just out of curiosity and boredom :P
15 little voices:
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
um.....would a super power count as having ALL the super powers? No? Ag, that SUCKS!!! ok, maybe mind-reading.......or flying..yeah, flying! wooo!!! to the sky!
mine would be force field and fire!!! By fire I mean I can turn into fire, roll around in fire, shoot fire balls out of my hands, or even make a forcefield w/ fire! lol!
What about you Maly?
Invisibility. =] -Hannah
Mind reading :) I wanna be a stalker like Edward Cullen!
Haha, just kidding about the stalker part.
im already invisible to the world. now all i need the the ability to fly. and when i can fly ill never come back :)
You're not invisible to me! :D
Okay so I would be able to fly so I could be anywhere in the world anytime I wanted FOR FREE :D or I'd be like Peter off of Heroes and just absorb the person I'm nears powers! :) Yes indeed I'm a Heroes nerd.
This is so hard! There are so many I want, like: invisiblity, teleportation, the ability to read minds, shapeshifting... but I think I'd choose telekinesis. And be like Sylar from Heroes. That's be cool.
xx Blaize.
okay guys next thing:
chocolate or vanilla?
me: chocolate!
chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate unless its icecream and then it vanilla! :D
mmmm Chocolate for everything but ice-cream though :D
Vanilla all the way, but if there is a bar of chocolate hanging around its mineee ;)
no way chocolate ice-cream!!! you people are crazy!
although vanilla breyers brand is yummy.
ewww it doesnt even taste like chocolate!
New Subject:
What's your least favorite word? and most favorite?
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