

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Maly moo fanks :D

Hello all I'm back from my dads house. You know how Maly was saying about putting operation beautiful things into library books? Well I started reading a book she gave me the other day and towards the end of the book I came across this piece of paper..

Note says:
 Maybe you just might be amazingly strong, wise,loopy, quirky, pretty, funny, compassionate & caring. 
There's a reason you're my bestest pally :)
Mollie is Beautiful!

Thankyou Malyissaaa, you're beautiful. Also here is picture of my new dermal anchor piercing, I haven't ripped it out yet I'm proud of myself :D

4 little voices:

Unknown said...

Ergg the piercing looks gross in that picture and whys the pictures so yellow? oh and did you read the otherside of the note aswell?

molliesandercock said...

hahaha yes, yes I did. Because of the lighting and my crap phone camera lol

Abby. said...

Ubbbeerrr painful looking.
:) aw how sweet malyssa!

molliesandercock said...

It doesn't even look that red anymore. I got it caught on the seatbelt in the car on friday so it moves around a bit more now.


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